One of my roles is Editor at The Liberty Daily. Despite the site getting millions of visitors per month, we operate as a tiny team. There’s me, the owner Matthew Burke, a tech guy, a video girl, and that’s pretty much it. Matthew and I start at 5am and work throughout the day and night until around midnight curating and aggregating content that American patriots want and need.
To stay on mission, there are certain rules Matthew has put into place to make sure we’re not just sharing America First content, but that it’s being framed in ways that tell the real story. The left has stolen vast amounts of control over language in western society and unfortunately many on the right have adopted leftist-approved terminology.
One of the most glaring examples of this is how they talk about guns. They say “mass shooter” and “gun violence” because they want to gaslight people into an improper understanding of the crimes. At The Liberty Daily, we use phrases like “violent criminals” and “mass murder” because these terms portray the real problem. As they say (though not nearly enough), “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.”
Arguably the biggest hot-button item being discussed by conservatives today is, as I like to call it, “Trans-Tyranny.” We do not use the terms “trans” or “transgender” by themselves for a very important reason. Both have been tested and approved by the powers-that-be to craft the tale they want told.
“Trans” invokes feelings of transition (aka improvement) while “transgender” invokes victimhood. When we use the term “trans,” we do so with qualifiers only. As I noted earlier, I call their actions “Trans-Tyranny” or part of the “Trans-Supremacy Agenda.” I refer to their violent criminals and abusive protesters as members of the “Trans-Terrorist Cult.”
Instead of saying, “transgender,” we refer to them as “transvestites.” That’s what the vast majority of them are by definition. While the term “transgender” makes many people see them as victims of being born in the “wrong” bodies, “transvestite” properly frames their fetish as either a mental illness, a cry for attention, or both.
As for those who are chemically and/or surgically changing themselves, these people have gone through permanent genital mutilation. They’re not transitioning themselves. They’re destroying themselves. Ask any detransitioner if they would classify what they had done to themselves as genital mutilation and most would agree.
I’ve long said the reason this mental illness is being intentionally spread to children is not as an attack on the sexes or societal norms but as an attack on faith. If they can convince a 10-year-old boy that he’s actually a girl who was born in the wrong body, then there are only two conclusions this child can come to regarding God. Either God made a mistake when creating him, in which case God is fallible, or God doesn’t exist at all. If they can get kids to see themselves as genetic mistakes that can be corrected by the ingenuity of men, then they will be exponentially more likely to grow up worshiping the gods of climate change, LGBTQIA+ supremacy, and government, instead of worshiping our Creator.
I say none of this with hatred in my heart. I truly pity these people because they’ve been indoctrinated and brainwashed into a worldview that harms them physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This is why it’s so important we, as conservatives, use accurate terms when talking to or about these people. It is not kind to be “tolerant” of self-destructive actions.
They are part of the trans-tyranny cult. The vast majority of them are transvestites. Some of them are becoming trans-terrorists. These are truths. Sugar-coating the terminology based on demands of the woke powers-that-be won’t help anyone other than those who launched the demonic agenda in the first place.
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Exactly right. Regardless of the drugs they take or surgeries they undergo, they are ultimately nothing but cross-dressers, aka transvestites. Which is not only the abominable sin of homosexuality, but is an abomination itself (Duet. 22:5), is a very wicked form of bearing false witness, is prideful, and several other sins.
Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth (1 Cor. 13:6). Failure to speak the truth would be to have no concern for their eternal fate.
And we know from Romans 1, suppression of the truth is how it starts.
Agape love does not withhold the truth.