The left, particularly the rapidly rising ranks of radical leftists, have two plays they call when reacting to freedom-loving patriots. They usually claim some variation of bigotry; anyone who wants equality is a “racist” in their books just as anyone who calls out groomers is “transphobic,” they claim.
The second play they call is projection. Whatever flaws or evil tendencies they exhibit, they claim it is their opposition that’s actually doing it. There have been plenty examples of blatant and often comical projection being utilized by the left, but few are more ludicrous than what many Covid vaxx-nannies are claiming about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
Following his roundtable yesterday during which he called for a grand jury investigation into criminals who pushed the jabs despite clear evidence of their dangers and inefficacy, radical leftists started claiming he was showing his “authoritarian ambitions.” When medical tyrants and their cultists say DeSantis is being an authoritarian, it’s the textbook example of projection.
DeSantis went on with Fox News host Laura Ingraham to respond to these people who are terrified their tyrannical natures will be exposed. Watch:
“The authoritarians were the ones that wanted to mandate the vaxx on people,” he said. “I protected people from having that happen and made sure Floridians could make their own choice. The authoritarians wanted to institute a vaccine passport system, almost like a social credit system, so that people who dissented from this would be marginalized from society entirely. We rejected that and we banned it.”
DeSantis, like most Republican governors, fell for the initial calls for lockdowns across his state. But he corrected his state’s course quickly and made Florida one of the freest in the nation. It drew harsh criticism from vaxx-nannies back then, but the numbers ended up proving his course of action to be correct. Florida outperformed states like California and New York that maintained strict Covid protocols throughout.
It will take more than just one state in order for people to be held accountable. Hopefully, DeSantis will inspire other governors to get involved in not only revealing the truth about the jabs, but also sending medical tyrants to prison. Only then can we have a reasonable expectation that this type of debacle won’t happen again anytime soon.
I much appreciated the reminder published yesterday by Chris Widener of the fact that God has sent them strong delusion. It has been on my mind ever since.
The subject at hand is a good example. If a truly born again Christian had pushed, encouraged, or in any other manner participated in the forced/coerced administration of a dangerous drug that resulted in many deaths and permanent injuries, the Holy Spirit would weigh that individual’s conscience with deep remorse and regret. They would be convicted of their sin. As that is the foremost job of the Holy Spirit, as set forth by Jesus, to convict of 3 things: sin, righteousness, and judgment. And if there is no such conviction present, then that individual is not indwelled by the Holy Spirit, and has not truly ever been born again. They are a tree that, as Jesus said, is bearing bad fruit, and will be hewn down and cast into the fire. They are shamelessly continuing in sin, which the Bible says a truly born again Christian will not do.
We are dealing with people who have no conscience. We all understand that well enough. But it is worth remembering. They cannot be reasoned with.
But what’s interesting is verse 12 of 2 Thess. 2. It is God who did this to them. He gave them over to a reprobate mind, as it says in Romans 1. He sent them strong delusion to believe a lie. And the reason is explained in verse 12 – “so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness”
In other words, for many of them, it is probably too late. They have ignored and suppressed the truth, and have delighted in wickedness for so long and with such fervor, with conscience becoming seared to the point where they have no conscience at all, have repeatedly and fervently rebelliously rejected God and His Word, ignoring the convictions of the Holy Spirit, to the point that God has essentially already decided to make sure they will be eternally condemned, as they still live. He’s’ basically already determined, in their case, that they will be in that group that is cast into the fire, enough to send them strong delusion to make sure of it.
I may or may not be interpreting that scripture incorrectly, but I don’t know how it could possibly be interpreted in any other way. It plainly says what it plainly says. And it is extremely powerful and sobering to realize that for some it truly is already too late.
But for others, it isn’t too late. And that is evidenced by the very fact that God has not yet unleashed His final judgment, as 2 Peter 3:9 explains.
It is also worth noting, that such judgment is not inclusive of just those who shamelessly and unrepentant continue to participate in wickedness, but also those who “delight” in it, or as Romans 1 says “have pleasure in those who do” – other translations use the word “revel” – and others translate it as “give approval.” Verse 12 explicitly says those who “delight” in wickedness – to include not just those who engage in it, but also those who approve of what they’re doing, to any degree, in any manner.
This would include, then, any and all who approve of the abominable, degenerate, wicked sexual perversion that has been imposed. Who began with tolerance, moved to acceptance, to respect, to celebration, to endorsement. In reality, all are the same – they are to give your approval of abominable wickedness.
To even say “it’s their right” is itself to rebel against God. Why? Because God is the one who gave us rights, and those rights are defined as that which others are obligated to respect – yet God demands that sin, especially abominable sin, be rejected, condemned and entirely disrespected. He might’ve given them free will to do as they wish, He might’ve given them that right of liberty, but what they do with that liberty is absolutely not an extension of that right – for that, they will be severely judged, as many, according to 2 Thess. and Romans 1, already are.
Many of them are probably sitting on the front pew every Sunday, if not standing behind the pulpit.
Saying “Lord, Lord”
Yet they are already condemned.
And I will readily confess that years ago, prior to their forced imposition of depraved immorality by power of government, I myself lent implicit approval to some degree, because they were not a threat. They weren’t out there targeting and attacking Christian bakers and such. At that time, Christians were not being backed into a corner, and being basically given a choice amounting to little less than renounce or die. I grew up in the 80s. I’m gen X. We had male musicians, including some Christian ones, routinely dressing themselves up to look extremely effeminate. It was commonplace.
I look back on those days with remorse, seeing where it has led.
For those of us who did so, we should’ve taken a stronger stand, but may not have been entirely wrong. Obviously men such as Fred Phelps by prematurely jumping the gun only made matters extremely worse, which may or may not have been his intent all along, as many believe he is an impostor. Protesting funerals is just taking it too far. As Jesus said, let the dead bury their own dead. But as explained in 1 Cor. 5:9-11, we might have dealt with the wicked for a time in order to “not go out of this world” – i.e., to live and survive, but once they have imposed beyond certain limits, they are to be completely shunned and we are to have nothing to do with them at all. And there is no question that their offensive push over the past couple of decades, to impose and demand approval of wickedness by force, has far surpassed those limits.
To continue to lend any measure of tolerance or approval now, as many Christians are being extorted and backed into corners, is, in my opinion as I interpret scripture, an egregious sin in and of itself.