I used to work in the city of Boston, Mass., and felt relatively safe in the city, even at night. It’s a great city—or at least it was—full of history. In a lot of ways, I miss being there every day (it’s been many years)… in other ways, not so much. Frankly, I really don’t think I’d be comfortable there anymore. Why? Because the city’s Democrat mayor, Michelle Wu, has officially lost her mind.
In her latest far-left scheme to destroy what’s left of this once-great city, she’s implemented a mind-boggling “no-arrest” policy for drug dealers. You read that right—drug dealers are getting a free pass in Boston now, courtesy of the local Democratic Party.
This disastrous policy, cooked up by Wu alongside Police Commissioner Michael Cox and Suffolk County District Attorney Kevin Hayden, represents everything wrong with progressive governance. They’re calling it an “evolution” in tackling drug problems.
“At the end of the day, this issue is about sobriety,” said Hayden. “Incarceration is not the answer to help get them sober, and if we don’t get them sober, then they’re coming back.
“If we don’t address the underlying issue, then we don’t solve the problem, and they will continue to commit whatever crime they were committing, whether it’s drug use, whether it’s drug dealing to support the habit, whether it’s shoplifting, whether it’s robbing somebody, whatever it may be, that’s what we’re trying to deal with,” Hayden added. […]
— Read More: pjmedia.com