(WND News Center)—According to Democrats, the Jan. 6, 2021, protest-turned-riot at the U.S. Capital was an “insurrection.”
That would be, according to that definition, a plan to take over the government, throw out the current leaders, assume control of the army, the policy, the foreign relations, debts, politics, courts, and more.
Of course, the protest-turned-riot was just that, a protest by those upset with the counted results of the presidential race, and the decision to give the White House to Joe Biden while there still remained many unanswered questions about the election.
In fact, there were two undue influences on the election, Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to hand out $400 million plus like candy to local election officials who often used it to recruit voters in Democrat districts, and the interference by the Department of Justice’s FBI, which falsely told publications that the Biden family scandals documented in Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop were Russian disinformation and should be suppressed.
That facts have not prevented Democrats, and Democrat compatriots like ex-Rep. Liz Cheney, from proclaiming it WAS an insurrection, and claiming insurrectionists, including President Trump, not only must be charged and convicted, they must be prevented from ever being in office again.
Now that message is being hand-delivered to school-age children in Pennsylvania.
It’s through a “graphic novel,” or comic book, that is being published and handed out.
A Morning Call report said the publication insists students consider: “What would have happened if the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection had been successful?”
The creators of the concept say they are mailing copies to all public high schools in the state as well as public libraries.
The report explained their goal is “to convey the risks facing American democracy, and what people can do about it.”
It’s authored by Harvard teacher Alan Jenkins and he said he wanted to make his opinions about that event available “in a widely accessible way.”
He has imagined, the report said, “a society controlled by armed militias who take over a TV network, declaring it to be ‘an enemy of freedom.’”
In fact, it is leftists across American academia, business and government who have tried to impose their own censorship schemes on America’s people and communications.
It also features a prominent Democrat lie that has been used against President Trump over and over, the claim he called KKK-type characters “very fine people,” when Trump specifically condemned that faction in his comments about a race dispute in Charlottesville.
A report at PJMedia explains the topic is one of the “inexhaustible supply of dead horses” Democrats have to beat.
“In the latest pathetic attempt to keep the J6 version of the ORANGE MAN BAD monster under their beds and scaring the base, the false J6 narrative has been reimagined in comic book form to help indoctrinate the high school kids,” the report said.
The report confirms, “There was no insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021. … The series of graphic novels are chock-full of lies from the Democratic Trump Derangement Syndrome fever dream. The Charlottesville lie is there, of course, and Black Lives Matter operatives are the good guys. The authors have enlisted the help of a radical organization to make sure the potential youth voters properly understand their marching orders.”
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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.