A conspiracy theory is floating around social media and getting some traction among “mainstream” conservatives. They believe it’s possible that what’s happening in Israel currently is a precursor to attacks in the United States.
As conspiracy theories go, this one has more holes than most. The most glaring one is that U.S. troops sent to Israel — which is very unlikely to happen anytime soon — would not be necessary in order to initiate a coordinated terrorist plat here. So let’s take that component out of the theory for now since it doesn’t make much sense.
The theory that the attacks on Israel are a precursor for attacks here has no historical backing, either. Hamas and other radical Islamic terrorist organizations have been very singular in how they layer their attacks. They plot one attack or series of coordinated attacks and then they see what happens. In other words, they’re not known for thinking beyond the mission. They’ve never engaged in full-blown campaigns, at least not successfully.
With that said, they’re very good at achieving complex objectives, as the 9/11 attacks demonstrated. This is why the current theory is worth noting. If Hamas is unleashed in Israel and then the thousands (or more) terrorists that have walked across our border the last few years are activated, then it’s possible we could see follow up attacks on American soil.
As Michael R. Caputo noted:
My take: when the US steps in to assist our longtime ally Israel, tens of thousands of fighting-age Palestinians who crossed the US border with BidenCo assistance will execute a long-planned and coordinated attack inside America. Biden did this. Be prepared.
My take: when the US steps in to assist our longtime ally Israel, tens of thousands of fighting-age Palestinians who crossed the US border with BidenCo assistance will execute a long-planned and coordinated attack inside America.
Biden did this. Be prepared. pic.twitter.com/aibhqz1ANt
— Michael R. Caputo (@MichaelRCaputo) October 7, 2023
Jack Posobiec posted:
Wait til Hamas activates the sleeper cells that already came across our border
Wait til Hamas activates the sleeper cells that already came across our border
— Jack Poso
(@JackPosobiec) October 7, 2023
The same basic point has been reiterated by multiple accounts:
How many Hamas sleeper cells are in America that came through the open border?
— Ryan Cunningham (@rycunni) October 7, 2023
Look at what is happening in Israel
Don’t think it can’t happen here
We have no idea who has come across the southern border
No guarantee we don’t have sleeper cells in this country
Biden’s govt is too busy go after grandma, Catholics, PTA moms & dads, & Trump supporters…
— Amy Kremer (@AmyKremer) October 7, 2023
Is it likely that we will be hit by terrorist attacks soon? No. But on September 10, 2001, it was also unlikely that we would be hit by terrorist attacks soon.
There’s always a thin line between warning and fearmongering. I try to stay mindful to this because I want to alert people to the possibilities without needlessly scaring them. All I’m suggesting is to keep your head on a swivel (which is a good idea with or without terrorists being activated) and stay frosty out there.
“they’re very good at achieving complex objectives, as the 9/11 attacks demonstrated.”
Do you really believe that?
Seconding that!!!
“With that said, they’re very good at achieving complex objectives, as the 9/11 attacks demonstrated.”
Also, too much repitition of the CIA term “conspiracy theory” then the CIA meme above?????
What exactly is this site striving for? TGP features CIA assets Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern — is that the competition?!?!
“With that said, they’re very good at achieving complex objectives, as the 9/11 attacks demonstrated.”
The 2006 FOIA’d notes of Stephen Cambone, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence on 9/11/01★, revealed that “federal agents” were tracking the “official” hijackers of Flight 77 right up until they boarded —— even taking aside two of the three future Saudi hijackers to question them (or give them final instructions???)!
The hundreds and hundreds of field reports from FBI agents warning of upcoming probable terrorist attacks and Arab aviation students “training as if to fly jets directly into the Twin Towers” (from Agent Ken Williams in Arizona — cannot get any more specific than that — ALL ignored by FBI managers Frasca and Maltbie, later to be promoted by Robert Mueller★★ while all those FBI field agents are long gone from the FBI crime organization!)!
CIA and NSA were tracking many of the hijackers up until 9/11 —- eavesdropping on their longline calls to one Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan (nothing suspicious there) ——— DIA Director Gen. Patrick Hughes had been soundly warned by DIA analyst, Julie Sirrs, who had travelled to Pakistan and Afghanistan, investigating al Qaeda training camps and compiled a report for the DIA director, who tossed the report and fired Ms. Sirrs for her effort!!!
So the FBI, DIA, CIA, NSA, at least, were all well aware of the upcoming terrorist strikes?! (Phone calls from certain individuals on the hijacked planes, repeatedly in “the news” were much later revealed TO HAVE ALL BEEN FABRICATED, or “miss–reported”!)
★ Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence oversees the NSA, DIA, NRO, NGIA, etc.
★★ Robert Swan Truesdale Mueller III, grandnephew by marriage of fired CIA Deputy Director Richard Bissell (Director of Plans), and nephew of former FBRSF Chairman Swan when $16 million in securities disappeared from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco five months prior to the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas —— and Mueller the scion of the Truesdale family fortune, originated from the Rockefeller family’s handoff of a railroad to them for dynamiting their oil refinery competitors!!!
Don’t get much more Deep State than Robert Mueller!