CNN likely had more viewers of their town hall event with President Donald Trump Wednesday night than most of their regular shows combined. It was the first time I’d watched more than a clip from the network in years.
Knowing the advertising boom this brought for them, it was odd that they cut off the interview over 20-minutes longer than they had allotted. Congressman Matt Gaetz has a theory:
Did CNN cut it short because Trump was doing SO WELL? I’ve never seen a Town Hall get called like a “Mercy Rule” before. Did that really happen?
Did CNN cut it short because Trump was doing SO WELL?
I’ve never seen a Town Hall get called like a “Mercy Rule” before.
Did that really happen?
— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) May 11, 2023
Of course, CNN would never admit to it. They’d likely not think of that way themselves. They would justify it by saying they didn’t want to give Trump a platform to “continue lying” or something like that. But other than a couple of unflattering responses, he handled the event spectacularly and came out looking like the Trump of old — unapologetic and ready to sit in the Oval Office.
Even radical Democrat Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agreed it was a debacle.
This falls squarely on CNN. Everyone here saw exactly what was going to happen. Instead they put a sexual abuse victim in harm’s way for views. This was a choice to platform lies about the election & Jan 6th w/ no plan but to have their moderator interrupted without consequence.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 11, 2023
This was supposed to be a trap and CNN executives were giddy over the prospects of Donald Trump walking willingly into it. The reality ended up reminding me of a line from Watchmen (graphic): “None of you seem to understand. I’m not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with me.”
Why in the world would Trump go on CNN —– zero learning curve —- or CONTROLLED OPPOSITION —- he cannot be that simpleton, or can he?!?!
Will he do a repeat performance with Leslie Stahl, who never saw a lie she didn’t embrace fully?!?!
Gaetz’s remark sounded stoooopid —- he should have been chastising him for appearing on CNN —– what a doofus!
Like none of this was completely PREDICTABLE. . . .
Trump’s appearance on CNN is clearly part of devolution, with his EO 13943, 13942, and 13848, giving military control of media. CNN would’ve known he would speak on the ‘selection’, and J6 plot. So why would the enemy give their biggest foe a platform for that? Answer: They had no choice. They are not in control. He dispelled their lies with evidence. He explained the simplicity of getting back to national independence by using our own natural resources, and the entire episode displayed that he has support everywhere he goes, even in the lion’s den. CNN was also desperate, for the station has been floundering since he chose to step aside, as he warned it would. Cutting the segment short was those in control having mercy on poor CNN.
Once you realize we are in a C.O.G. and you know what is going on, it all makes sense.
I am loving this movie.
Mercy rule? Hell yeah! CNN wanted to stop the bleeding and control the disaster from further imploding on them. The decision to seat all those Trump supporters or conservative voters in the audience was matched by appointing the snarky, rude, self-serving wannabe journalist as the moderator who clearly made Trump the victim and shattered all evidence of neutrality. If Chris Licht wanted to promote Trump and bury Fox, he did a pretty good job. KUDOS!