Getting “ratio’d” on Twitter is when a post gets more comments than likes. It’s an indicator that people disagree with the sentiment; Twitter users are far more likely to comment about something they disagree with while liking and/or retweeting what they believe to be correct.
CNN’s reaction to Tucker Carlson’s announcement of relaunching his show on Twitter started with three words that instantly polarized the conversation. They labeled him as a “Right-wing extremist,” prompting a storm of nearly 20,000 comments compared to 8,000 likes by the early morning hours Wednesday.
Here’s a screenshot followed by the actual Tweet:
Right-wing extremist Tucker Carlson will relaunch his program on Twitter, a platform he praised as the only remaining large free-speech platform in the world after Fox News fired him late last month.
— CNN (@CNN) May 9, 2023
The left uses labels such as “right-wing extremists” or “fascist” so loosely with anyone that doesn’t wholeheartedly embrace wokeness that it’s impossible to take them seriously. Carlson is a populist whose worldview aligns with the masses. And while most in the masses that agree with him are on the political right, calling him an “extremist” is as disingenuous as calling Dylan Mulvaney a “woman.”
At least CNN didn’t call Tucker Carlson a “white supremacists”… though that label will almost certainly come soon as well.
Anyone who opposes Stalinism is a “right-wing extremist” in the left’s playbook.
Tucker Carlson has emerged as a true investigative journalists and this scares the hell out of the left.
He mostly offends the rabid feminists. I’ve heard him talk about his mother, and by the sound of it she is much like my own mother. A devout Christian, she cannot stand feminists. My mother has railed against “womens lib” more than anyone I know, going back to the Rosalynn Carter years.
Seems fairly evident to me, that he was raised by a Godly mother.
Certainly not all women, and many men are also to blame. But it seems, for the past 100+ years, if there aren’t hoards of rabid, screaming satan-serving Christ-hating feminists, there are hoards of rabid, screaming, satan-serving women pharisees, who claim Jesus’ name while imposing a bunch of grievous nonsense that God never commanded. Neither and never caring one iota about what God actually said. The pendulum swinging wildly from one evil to the other, mostly on the whims of bitter angry women.
The two main issues right now, which are in direct conflict with God’s word, abortion and abominable sin, are mostly being pushed by you know who, along with their weak, godless, sexually immoral male counterparts.
They nailed Jesus to the cross for speaking such truth. They called Him worse names. And people haven’t changed much since.
They call us fascists and “right wing extremists”, yet the fact of the matter is that Hitler never would’ve rose to power in Germany if it weren’t for the mass vote of women. Women loved him. Totally lost what little control they ever had anytime they were in his presence. So much was it a key to his power, that he never married and the party never allowed the public to know that he had a girlfriend. WWII ensued.
I do not dislike women. I do not hate women. I’m not trying to bash women. And I know full well it’s not all women. But we must recognize that God made men and women differently, for different roles and purposes, each of significance and importance, for reasons that only He can know and comprehend. We are wired differently.
All that said, ultimately it is the fault of men for failing to fulfill our obligations to the Lord, and failing to properly lead in a godly manner. The leaders bear the responsibility. And we cannot run from the responsibility God placed upon us. It’s there whether we, or anyone else, likes it or not. Many men rejected God’s word, just the same, to the same extremes, and women followed.
Now we argue over which extreme is worse, wildly swinging from one to the other. Well, Jesus said that both are satanic.
The straight and narrow is defined by what God said and only what God said. It’s defined by His rules, and no one else’s. He and only He has determined who extremely deviates from it and who does not. I’ll go with His definition of “extreme”
Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m endorsing everything Tucker has ever said or done. I haven’t watched his show or any other MSM news for several years, but from clips I’ve seen and from watching his show when I used to watch Fox, I agree with what he says most of the time. But he has strayed from Christian principles on occasion.