During the recent premiere of his documentary “Elton John: Never Too Late” at the Toronto International Film Festival, Sir Elton John shared his thoughts on former President Donald Trump...
Read moreDetailsDear Karis, It has been a pleasure to raise you. We admire all that you’ve accomplished. We are delighted that you follow Jesus. As you begin this new chapter,...
Read moreDetailsTwice-failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been met with pro-Hamas protests at Columbia University where she is teaching. Clinton appears to be still taking the brunt of the...
Read moreDetailsRepublicans have long accused Democrats of embracing mass illegal immigration as a way to ensure permanent majority status in key states as well as nationally, and now, former House...
Read moreDetailsElection watchers woke up to a shock on Sunday after The New York Times and Sienna College released a poll that changed the perception of the presidential race. Kamala...
Read moreDetailsYouTube firearms expert Paul Harrell announced his death Tuesday in a pre-recorded video. “He everyone, let me get right to the point, Harrell said in the opening of the...
Read moreDetailsThe demonstrators are backed by assorted military and intelligence types in a treasonous attempt to lever Netanyahu out of office by creating division and demoralization while Israel is fighting...
Read moreDetailsThe election of 2024 will be epochal for the United States. It will be as impactful on the course of the nation as the election of 1860 and the...
Read moreDetailsAfter mainstreaming Hamas, the media has an exciting new mission. It’s time to mainstream ISIS. Here are the media headlines. NPR – What West Bank Palestinian youths are fighting...
Read moreDetailsSince taking office on Jan. 20, 2021, Biden has spent approximately 532 days on vacation—that is 40% of his time as president away from Washington. The average American would...
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