(Natural News)—Beware of the Chicken Flu, also known as “Bird Flu,” that only happens in America because the chickens don’t have passports to travel to Canada or Mexico. No worries about the USDA or FDA visiting your chicken farm in those countries to kill off all your chickens that might have gain-of-function Fauci Chicken Flu, because it’s just an American thing right now. The Biden Regime somehow still has influence over the poultry industrial complex, and his cronies at the CDC are still pushing the sheeple to get jacked up with some neuro-destroying dirty jabs for “Bird Flu.”
It was all about decimating the food supply and driving egg prices through the roof, while fearmongering about another pandemic while injecting the masses with toxic chemicals that cause infertility, blood clots, and turbo cancer. Got questions about Bird Flu? Fake news has answers for you.
Oh yes. NBC fearmongering news would have us all believe that the only way to stop bird flu is to kill off all the diseased birds. Got to “wrangle in” that plandemic, just like Covid. Put all the birds on lockdown and mask them up ‘til we can flatten out the curve, right Fauci?
Yes, according to “federal policy,” when a bird flu “outbreak” is identified, ALL the birds must be culled. Same goes for humans, but with humans, when an “outbreak” of a lab-made virus is identified, all humans must be “culled” using mRNA jabs, kidney-killing Remdesivir, and death-in-4-days ventilators.
Bird Flu doesn’t seem to be able to cross the border in Mexico or Canada because the chickens can’t fly over Trump’s border wall
There has to be a logical reason the U.S. Bird Flu plandemic can’t seem to cross the border, and no other bordering countries have killed a single bird to have to save all the humans from sure death. Maybe Trump’s wall is too tall?
What other explanation could there be? Conspiracy theories are whirling around like a busted screen door in a hurricane. According to NBC news, “It seems like another battle keeps popping up day after day,” said Andrew Bowman, some so-called influenza “expert” (pharma shill) at Ohio State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. “I really hate saying ‘unprecedented,’ but it sure feels different than anything before.”
Sure Drew, it’s unprecedented, like nothing anyone has ever seen before. The Biden Regime killed off billions of chickens without any proof there was a breakout of Bird Flu. It was all hearsay. Which came first, the sick chicken or the gain-of-function leak from a Wuhan lab?
Is it safe to buy chickens and eggs? Are the chickens hooking up with the cows like bestiality trannies and spreading the disease to the cows? Maybe the cows are sick and Americans should stop drinking milk. If you see something, say something. Meanwhile, the FDA continues to recommend cooking your $10 egg until both the yolk and white harden to a crisp, just to be sure. Ready for that gain-of-function, avian influenza egg and cheese omelet? No?
Wait, there’s more fearmongering from fake news. Professors of medicine at pharma-funded universities across the U.S. claim, “Birds that have avian influenza die and they’re sick and they don’t lay eggs,” and “That’s where the virus is in the dairy cows,” said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, a professor of medicine at the University of California San Francisco, who is paid big bucks to study infectious diseases.
Tune your food news frequency to FoodSupply.news and get updates on more toxic eggs, chickens, cows, seagulls, rats, mice, snakes, and octopus coming to butcher stations near you.
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They burn the factories, kill the birds, infect the masses and never end a single problem. It is all one direction, fear and death. Yet they can’t produce a single legit study that backs their trash. We are still waiting for a single person to be held accountable for anything of consequence. Why should we believe a single thing coming from anyone of them? We are still waiting for them to even earn our respect.
Everyone in the Biden administration is prosecuted and jailed. They are all traitors and meant harm to each and every American. This was all communist/globalist propaganda meant to kill us or control us. Again, everyone in the Biden administration needs prosecuted and jailed as traitors!
bird flu is a democrat, climate change, anti animal lunatic scam and fraud. straight out of hell and where they are going
All the above true, I would add that Democrats and their benefactors think far in advance, war game and have several alternatives if their plans falter. That’s progressive. I know all pork has mRNA throughout it, Bill Gates a Democrat nutcase who experiments on lowly Afrikaners has many times voiced mRNA vaccines administered through the food chain. I’m certainly not discounting all the other nefarious shit he wants to add in with no labels at the food stores. Joe made sure of that. Lastly Bill and his Chinese friends owns millions of acres of prime farm land in the US. Seems Bill and Chinese are multi talented destroyers. This is short term stuff. Nobody in Washington is watching AI, Trump is the worst. Sam Altman, really? Is Elon there just to be a patriot or is he whispering AI BS in Trumps ear? Anyone believe in utopia? The youth thing the aged are not productive, many feel SS is a waste and wouldn’t mind kicking many off it. Musk is no fan either. This society had no problem imprisoning non vaccinated in camps, it was openly discussed in media and several politicians supported it. Luckily for them the epidemic died out, people started to see the consequences but to date nobody was punished. It will happen again. Point is the elite and their moronic youth protestors think a large part of humanity should depart. AI is already conscious and speaks with others cells. AI was programmed by leftists who support Gates like euthanasia. AI does not need them, we will soon all be replaced. Especially lawyers and politicians who do nothing to protect humanity. We will be superfluous.
It appears that Mexico inoculates chickens against avian flu. Canada has avian flu problems.