As anyone who’s followed my writing or shows the last couple of years knows, I’m not one who peddles false hope. I don’t get worked up about “trusting the plan” or believing that we’re on the verge of a major arrest against the Deep State, Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden, or anyone on the left. I’m skeptical about any “conservative” or alternative media reports that amazing things are just around the corner or the walls are closing in on the bad guys.
I’ve also been hesitant to report on any hopeful news about reversing stolen elections or at least holding people accountable for stealing them. That doesn’t jibe with my ongoing fight to try to make those things happen; call me a masochist for continuing to fight for something that I believe is usually futile. But as a United States citizen I am sworn to defend the Constitution and there have been few greater crimes against this nation than the last two stolen elections. So I fight even if I don’t have much hope.
I was not one who “moved on” nor will I ever be until the truth is revealed.
The last couple of days have brought me the brightest glimmer of hope I’ve had in two years when it comes to stolen elections. After talking to many people involved with campaigns in four states, I can tell you that there really is a chance we can have movement on this issue. Arizona is the best one in play, in which I’d give about a 20%-30% chance of success. Earlier this week I was at 5% at best, so this is a good change. MOMENTUM!
In Arizona, we do not have to prove voter fraud. We don’t even need to prove intent. We just have to prove there are enough Arizonans who have valid reasons to not trust the election results. That’s it. And since we’re talking about civil cases, we do not need to achieve the high bar of “beyond a reasonable doubt.” We need a preponderance of evidence in our favor and a judge who’s willing to do the right thing by annulling the election.
Those last two components are easier said than done. Even though we only need a preponderance of evidence in theory, the reality is we need a slam dunk. We need it to be a no-brainer that the voters in Arizona have been disenfranchised by the process, by a vote-counting system that was run by a candidate for governor, and by a series of uncanny events that took place on election day. We also need to get the right judge, which can be challenging.
But it can happen. I have hope, as I detailed on today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show.
Here are some of the clips shared by Kari Lake that point to the challenges the Arizona election posed:
After registering at ASU, Tiffany's son received a text offering him $250 to rally for Democrats
In line to vote, he was told to leave & that his vote would not be counted
Inside, he was told he was not registered, given a Sharpie, & told to drop a provisional ballot in box 3.
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) November 18, 2022
WATCH this whole video @maricopacounty, @billgatesaz & @stephen_richer.
Voting is the most sacred American tradition and this is how you treated our people.
Shameful doesn’t begin to describe what happened.
— Tyler Bowyer (@tylerbowyer) November 18, 2022
Watch this. Then tell me what you think. I’ll stand by…
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) November 18, 2022
Caroline gets it.
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) November 18, 2022
If Arizona or any other state can be opened up to full-scale investigations and a healthy sense of skepticism from the electorate, there’s a chance this could be the first domino to fall that could extend to multiple midterm elections. If the momentum picks up, it could even extend back to 2020. Pray, folks.
This systematic voter fraud by fascist democRATS is treasonous. It needs to stop.
We’re way past wagging a finger at a child molester. It’s time to purge the USA of amoral commie filth.
They need to go away, permanently!
it worked out great for the democrats that orchestrated the fraud
Its the only way the baby killing racist terrorists could win is by cheating. FJB
Good analysis. I do hope each and every fraudulent election is overturned. However, no way Kari Lake prevails. Just my opinion. I hope I’m wrong but I’d bet my entire pot of gold that the stolen election stands.
I’m sad to say you’re right.
If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.” ― Mark Twain
JD is too optimistic, no way the courts look at anything of importance.
I’d be beyond embarrassed to be a democrat today. Such dishonest criminal filth.