(The Economic Collapse Blog)—If peace is on the way, why are they feverishly preparing for World War III? It appears to me that NATO countries are convinced that something really big is coming. Is there something that they know that they aren’t telling the rest of us? As I discussed yesterday, things in the Middle East are really heating up, and the conflict in Ukraine has reached a very dangerous stage. If negotiations with Russia fail, both sides are likely to significantly escalate matters in a desperate attempt to win the war, and the Russians could come to the conclusion that a final showdown with NATO has begun.
We do not want the Russians to view the conflict in Ukraine in those terms, because they are already extremely paranoid and it wouldn’t take much to push them over the edge. Unfortunately, NATO countries continue to do things that will raise tensions instead of easing them. The following are 7 actions that NATO countries are taking which indicate that something really big is coming…
#1 France is getting ready to distribute a 20 page survival manual that instructs citizens what to do if a full-blown war erupts…
France is the latest country set to issue an invasion survival how-to guide for its citizens.
The 20-page booklet will give advice to French civilians on how to defend the republic in the face of an invasion by signing up to reserve units or local defence efforts.
It will also have tips on how to create a survival kit with essentials including six litres of water, canned food, batteries, and basic medical supplies.
#2 The French government is also telling their citizens to leave Iran “immediately”…
French authorities on Thursday requested its citizens to immediately leave the territory of Iran.
The French Foreign Ministry has issued a warning to its citizens amid the release of one of its nationals who had been imprisoned in Iran for over 880 days.
#3 It is being reported that military planners in the UK have ordered special forces units to get ready to be sent to Ukraine…
Special Forces units were told to prepare for mobilisation to Ukraine by military planners tasked with readying forces by the Cabinet Office, according to two military sources with knowledge of the directive.
The command centre for UK military planning, the Permanent Joint Headquarters (PJHQ), was sent directives last week to begin the process for the deployment of personnel and resources.
The orders, which also applied to Special Forces reservists, put personnel on standby in order to ensure military equipment is in working order before receiving a notice to mobilise to Ukraine.
#4 Turkey has announced that it would also be willing to deploy troops to Ukraine “if needed”…
Turkey would be ready to deploy troops to Ukraine as part of a broader peacekeeping mission if needed, a Turkish defence ministry source said on Thursday.
“The issue of contributing to a mission … will be evaluated with all relevant parties if deemed necessary for the establishment of regional stability and peace,” the source said.
The Russians have already stated that they will never accept NATO troops on Ukrainian soil under any circumstances.
So why are these nations preparing to send troops anyway?
#5 Poland is preparing for a showdown with Russia by “conscripting every adult male for military training”…
Warsaw is preparing to face down any invasion by Vladimir Putin by conscripting every adult male for military training.
But the Eastern European nation also wants nukes and President Andrzej Duda has now said the US could send some of its arsenal to his country.
#6 The Baltic states are jointly constructing a massive defense line that includes six hundred bunkers, tank ditches, dragon’s teeth and rocket systems…
The Baltics are building a joint defence line on their border with Russia that will have some six-hundred bunkers across each border.
It will also include tank ditches, forests, dragon’s teeth, hedgehogs, and rocket systems.
Poland and the Baltics have also withdrawn an international treaty banning anti-personnel landmines as they prepare to stop an advancing Russian army in its tracks.
#7 In a letter that was delivered to the Iranians, Donald Trump has given Iran only two months to reach a peace agreement…
President Donald Trump has given Iran a two-month deadline to reach a new nuclear agreement, according to a report by Axios.
A letter sent earlier this month to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned of consequences if Tehran continued its nuclear program while also offering renewed talks. The message, described as uncompromising, made clear that prolonged negotiations were not an option.
According to Axios, it “isn’t clear whether the two-month clock begins from the time the letter was delivered or from when negotiations start”.
Since the Iranians have already said that there will be no negotiations, I would assume that the clock started when the letter was delivered.
So the good news is that the bombing of Iran will probably not happen next month.
But if Trump is serious, there is a very good chance that it could happen before the midpoint of this year.
Meanwhile, the Ukrainians just conducted an absolutely massive drone strike on a Russian strategic bomber airfield that is located hundreds of miles from the front lines…
Ukrainian forces backed by Western munitions and technology struck a major Russian strategic bomber airfield on Thursday with drones, 435 miles from the Ukrainian front lines.
The strike ignited a massive explosion and sent a huge blast of fire into the air at Engels-2 airbase in Russia.
Videos posted by Reuters showed a huge blast spreading out from the airfield and wrecking nearby cottages.
Russia reportedly called this the largest drone attack ever.
The Ukrainians keep trying to provoke the Russians into doing something really dramatic.
One of these days, the Ukrainians might just succeed.
The Russians are fed up with the government in Kyiv. If negotiations with Trump fail, I expect the Russians to bring down the hammer.
We really are right on the verge of an apocalyptic conflict with Russia, and we really are right on the verge of an apocalyptic conflict in the Middle East.
The final exit ramps for both of these conflicts are rapidly approaching, and so let us hope that global leaders make very wise decisions in the months ahead.
Michael’s new book entitled “Why” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.
Run for the hills everybody! Mr Clickbait says something “really big” is coming! And it’s going to be “apocalyptic”! And we’re right “on the verge” of a “final showdown”! You know, Mr. Clickbait, Trump had Iran in an economic chokehold his first term. He didn’t have to drop a bomb on them. You are exhausting.
In Trump’s first term, Iran was NOT as close to completing a nuclear bomb as they are right now. The passage of time has changed the equation dramatically. You can be certain that the US intel knows what Iran’s progress is on completing a deliverable nuclear device and one thing is for certain: they’re 4 years further along than they were during Trump’s first term.
The article is not clickbait. These just happen to be the current conditions in the world that can impact the world equilibrium. Declaring it ‘clickbait’ without giving a sound rebuttal, simply makes you look foolish.
It’s just another ploy the warmongers are using to drag us into another armed conflict. And this writer loves to hype everything beyond def-con bazillion. It is clickbait and you look foolish getting seduced by it. There’s my rebuttal.
Iran has been on the verge of creating nukes for as long as I can remember! they are either extremely incompetent, or this is all fear mongering! which is it!
Actually? I think the French, Germans, and the British would rather be ruled by President Putin than their own feckless Governments. All I hear here is Trump talking more shit. And Egypt hasn’t amassed 100 thousand troops on the Israeli border to participate in war games.
You’re operating from the false premise that Iran is and has been trying to develop an A-bomb. The US and Israeli government propaganda line for the past 45 years or so that Iran is on the cusp of getting the bomb. Baloney! It’s not that hard to build a bomb, and Iran is an advanced country. It would have had one a long time ago if it wanted one.
What’s going on is that Israel wants the US to destroy Iran to facilitate the Greater Israel Project.
In order to have a global government that no one can resist and a global dictator that everyone must bow down and worship, there must first be enough global conflict to displace all of the current legal, financial and religious powers and to scare everyone into submission to the dictator. Many pieces of the puzzle must be moved before this can happen. But it is happening with lightning speed.
Those appear to be some serious indicators. A few other things to be considered:
– Globalists have thoroughly infested the European Union.
– Globalists love war. It facilitates their major goal – depopulation.
– Russia has no intention of invading the EU.
– The stupidity of the EU is off the charts. They’re jeopardizing their security.
– Zelensky does NOT want peace. He’s begging for money and hardware.
– The Iranians want the EU in Ukraine. Distraction, NATO deaths, etc.
– Zelensky is a war-obsessed panhandling pimp.
The time to get out of NATO is now.
I agree
All of this was set up by the United States. All of it. The EU simply won’t quit what the US started, they’re now too invested. And they have said this. Unfortunately for the United States, they created believers in the EU. The United States however, changes it mind every 4 years and the EU are patsies.
It’s the “Shadow Government / Deep State” that made all of this possible.
Ask yourself; who stands to make money off of all this Stupid? Not your average American.
We get the bill, for someone elses’ invoice.
When we did not incur the expense.
That is a pretty good summation of a complicated subject.
we the people have our own problems here at home, activist judges think they are POTUS, fraud and theft are rampant in our Gov, and our country is full of terrorists who need to be deported or jailed. let Israel handle the middle east as they can, and let Russia take out zelenski. because europe wont stomach full scale war without our help. we need to Make America Great Again.
If Russia conquers Ukraine, good. Putin is less of a thug and madman than Zekensky. And the EU us a POS. If Yrump wants to ebd aggressions in Europe, get us out of NATO.
The EU / NATO Nations have set themselves up for failure.
The EU has flooded the Continent with millions of Foreign fighters, and now they want to send their native born to die in another country.
Leaving the imported Enemy to occupy their homeland.
This is beyond Stupid, this is Suicidal.
Any EU “Official” that thinks they will remain in Office, is a box of rocks!
They will be killed on the spot, by the very people, they invited in.
History repeats its’ self.
Money and Position does not exempt ANYONE from the wrath of War.
If satanists/freemasons/cabalists destroy the Vatican then NATO can blame it on Iran. NATO is gathering forces in Europe right now to attack Iran and can then consolidate power in Jerusalem. Europe is likely gearing up to protect itself from retaliation when NATO strikes Iran.
A man predicted 50 years ago that Germany was to lead and attack the United States. I proffered that around a year ago ȧut said it was hard to believe. For the digital system to come through, America must be gone so the EU will take over and be the Mark of the Beast.
I also said (based on current information) that the tribulation is to begin in about two years and there is only about 10 years left of this age.