(End of the American Dream)—What does a nation that has killed more than 60 million of their own children deserve? Every single day, the number of American children that are killed exceeds the number of Americans that were killed on 9/11. Every single year, the number of American children that are killed is nearly equal to the number of Americans that have been killed in all of the wars that the U.S. has ever been involved in combined. More than 60 million babies have been slaughtered since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973.
At this point, we have become a society that has very little regard for human life. Most Americans don’t know what is going on behind closed doors at our abortion clinics, and most Americans simply don’t care. But the truth is that abortion is at the very core of what is wrong with America. We have killed tens of millions of our own children, and we continue to kill even more with each passing day. No nation that does such a thing could ever be considered a “good” nation.
Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022. But our politicians in Washington didn’t pass a law to end the killing that year, or the year after that, or the year after that, and it certainly won’t happen this year. Of course the truth is that survey after survey has shown that most Americans do not want the killing to stop. Sadly, this is especially true for young women of childbearing age. The following are 25 facts about abortion in America that should make you very sick…
#1 There have been more than 60 million abortions in the United States since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973.
#2 The number of abortions performed in the U.S. actually went up during the 12 months immediately following the overturning of Roe v. Wade…
The average number of abortions performed each month in the US rose in the year after the supreme court overturned Roe v Wade and allowed more than a dozen states to ban the procedure, according to data released on Tuesday from a research group backed by the Society of Family Planning.
#3 In 2023, more than a million abortions were performed in the United States. That was the first year since 2012 that we have surpassed the one million abortion mark.
#4 Approximately 3,000 Americans lost their lives as a result of the destruction of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11. Every single day, more than 3,000 American babies are killed by abortion.
#5 The number of American babies killed by abortion each year is roughly equal to the number of U.S. military deaths that have occurred in all of the wars that the United States has ever been involved in combined.
#6 Approximately 22 percent of all pregnancies in the United States end in abortion. That means that more than one out of every five Americans is killed before they can even start their lives.
#7 Approximately 33 percent of all pregnancies in New York City end in abortion.
#8 Today, approximately 80 percent of all abortions are performed within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.
#9 If a state passes a law that bans abortion after 9 weeks or after 12 weeks, they are actually legalizing the vast majority of the abortions that already take place.
#10 Unmarried women account for 88 percent of all abortions in the United States.
#11 Pew Research has discovered that 62 percent of U.S. adults think that “abortion should be legal in all or most cases”…
A median of 71% of adults across the 24 countries surveyed believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while a median of 27% believe it should be illegal.
In the United States, where a Supreme Court decision ended the constitutional right to abortion last year, 62% of adults say abortion should be legal in all or most cases. U.S. support for legal abortion has not changed in recent years.
In Europe, there is widespread agreement that abortion should be legal. In nearly every European country surveyed, at least 75% of adults hold this view, including roughly 25% or more who say it should be legal in all cases.
#12 According to a survey that was conducted in August 2024, 74 percent of all women in the United States between the ages of 18 and 49 believe that abortion should be legal…
According to findings released Wednesday by KFF, a nonprofit health think tank, 74% of women in the U.S. ages 18 to 49 think abortion should be legal. Around 70% support a federal right to abortion — the position held by Vice President Kamala Harris in a presidential election in which abortion rights are expected to be a motivating factor for many voters.
Nearly half of Republican women of reproductive age said abortion should be legal in most or all cases.
#13 A Gallup survey found that only 13 percent of Americans believe that abortion “should be illegal in all circumstances”…
According to Gallup’s May 2023 update on Americans’ abortion views, 34% believe abortion should be legal “under any circumstances,” 51% say it should be legal “only under certain circumstances,” and 13% say it should be illegal in all circumstances.
#14 In 2023, medication abortion accounted for 63 percent of all U.S. abortions. Medication abortion accounted for just 6 percent of all abortions in 2001.
#15 The U.S. has done more to promote abortion around the world than any other nation. More than 1.5 billion abortions have been performed worldwide since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. The total population of the world is currently about 8 billion.
#16 According to the official website of the World Health Organization, there are approximately 73 million abortions globally each year. If you multiply that number by 10, you get 730 million abortions in just one decade, and if you multiply that number by 20, you get almost 1.5 billion abortions in just two decades.
#17 Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger once made the following statement…
“The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
#18 In a 1922 book entitled “Woman, Morality, and Birth Control”, Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger wrote the following….
“Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.”
#19 In the United States, Planned Parenthood performs close to 400,000 abortions each year.
#20 The average salary for the CEO of a Planned Parenthood affiliate is $317,000.
#21 Planned Parenthood receives more than 500 million dollars from the federal government each year.
#22 The average cost of a first trimester abortion in the United States is typically between 600 dollars and 800 dollars.
#23 The average cost of a vaginal birth with no complications in the United States is now around 13,000 dollars.
#24 30 percent of U.S. women that have abortions identify as Protestant, and 24 percent of U.S. women that have abortions identify as Catholic.
#25 Tissue from aborted babies is often sold and used in various forms of “medical research”. The following comes from the New York Post…
Stomach-churning emails show Planned Parenthood negotiating terms regarding the donation of aborted fetuses for medical research.
The emails discuss fetal tissue like any other commodity such as sugar or rice, nonchalantly negotiating for fetuses up to 23 weeks old from elective abortions.
A heavily-redacted so-called “Research Plan” submitted to the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Institutional Review Board and approved in 2018 states scientists wanted 2,500 fetuses from up to almost the sixth month of gestation for experimentation.
How can we do this?
Decades of relentless propaganda have convinced us that what we are doing is perfectly fine.
And every single year, politicians from both political parties that support abortion continue to win elections.
Our politicians talk about how we need to spread our values to the rest of the world, but what kind of “values” do we really have when we have such little respect for human life?
There is no hope for America as long as this mass slaughter of innocent children continues to go on all across the United States.
Please share this list of facts about abortion in America with as many people as you can.
We need to wake people up while there is still time to do so.
Sadly, most Americans spend their days in an entertainment-induced haze and take very little time to think about the issues that really matter.
And if you think that the issue of abortion does not matter, you are dead wrong.
The blood of more than 60 million children is crying out to us from the ground where it has been spilled.
Yes, this article is going to make a lot of people uncomfortable, but it is the truth.
Isn’t it time that someone started telling the truth in America?
Michael’s new book entitled “Why” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.
This is what happens when a nation no longer respects its women and begin to use them as brides for the government/state. She must produce for the state not for her progeny. Husbands are no longer needed, the states need the emotional minded women to serve them, not their family. Do a survey on how happy are women. Every women I know hangs her head in shame when she admits she sacrificed her unborn.
Wow, Deborah, that’s quite a legacy you’re looking at. So what are you going to do to correct this? And what can people, both male and female do?
Cuck men that pander to women and derive their purpose in pleasing women drive female narcissism. Are you one of those?
Thank you. And the chances those poor women will commit suicide later double. When a govt decides they are nothing more than chattel to be used by a political groups to win votes, they (as well as more than half of the babies who are unborn women) become victims. It is laughable that Dems call themselves the party of women, and it is tragically hilarious for the govt to claim they are protecting women. Our govt has become a criminal enterprise.
Wow, Deborah, that’s quite a legacy you’re looking at.
Wow, Deborah, that’s quite a legacy you’re looking at. So what are you going to do to correct this? And what can people, both male and female do?
There is no way on earth a holy God can continue to bless our nation. We have shown Him the door, spat on his commands to respect unborn life, and are evangelists to the world about the glories of infanticide. The things that happen right under our noses, in this supposedly-Christian nation, must disgust the God who gives life. Abortion is THE single greatest moral horror of our times. In fact, it is THE greatest moral horror of all of human history. It is so vile, so violent, so foul and so filthy, that there is no parallel. Nothing to compare it to. The pagan Aztecs, the Cartel sicarios, NAZI doctors, even Mafia hit men would turn down this job. Heck, an animal doesn’t do the kind of things to their young that happen in abortion mills around the nation every single day. This article was shocking, and reported the ugly truth about this sin. The only negative thing I could say about this otherwise helpful piece is that when an author simply talks figures, they end up numbing the reader. They are just percentages and medians, and raw figures. They begin to dull the mind that each number was an innocent unborn human American. Each was an eternal soul made in the image of God, a voiceless, voteless, helpless child whose parents hired an assassin to end his/her life and was reduced to parts for sale by the wealthy monsters who run Planned Murderhood.
I couldn’t have said it better than you just did.
Very well said. I agree.
The number of abortions, any willful termination of unborn members of the human family, is shameful. However there is hope for America as long as we have free speech. The more recent the polls the more the responses are conditioned by an unprecedented spending on pro-abortion propaganda. We just went through two election cycles 2022 and 2024 where Democrats spent most of their political advertising, money accentuated by legacy media, perhaps 2 billion dollars, on lying to the American people about abortion and hiding what it is.
In spite of that and in spite of the polling you present Americans still voted for largely pro-life candidates or candidates who at least support the right of political subdivisions to protect unborn human life. Under the. previous legal regime of Roe v Wad / Doe v bolton that was very limited.
As for the polling figures presented, while no matter what the public sentiment is regrettable, indeed shameful it is also confused. The Gallup poll you mentioned (other polls are arguably more life positive) also includes findings through cross tabs or comparing other questions for consistency that: ” 45% who favor more restrictive rights (legal in only a few or no cases).” Further, that: “A May 1-24, 2023, survey asked about the legality of abortion at different stages of pregnancy and found about two-thirds of Americans saying it should be legal in the first trimester (69%), while support drops to 37% for the second trimester and 22% for the third. Majorities oppose legal abortion in the second (55%) and third (70%) trimesters.”
Those figures are something to work from. They are not helped though when no doubt inadvertent but inconsistent parlance is used that feeds folk ignorance about when life begins, when the truth is that each off our lives began and were to a great extent determined at the spark of conception. Indeed in your recitation of 25 points decrying abortion in America in number 6 you say: “Approximately 22 percent of all pregnancies in the United States end in abortion. That means that more than one out of every five Americans is killed BEFORE THEY EVEN START THEIR LIVES. Cap emphasis mine. I am sure you hold that their lives started at conception and that living patient lives were destroyed as a result of those abortions but saying “before they even start their lives” is to repeat the typical pro-abortion rational.
I claim no perfection in my communication ability and too often flub or misspeak or fail at editing. There is probably nothing I have communicated that could not be improved. So in the classic CYA at the beginning of so many speeches from the floor of the US Congress . . . “reserving the right to revise and extend my remarks . . .”
You may disagree but my view is it is acceptable to obtain as much protection as politically possible as soon as possible as long as we do not denigrate the rights of all at every stage of human existence, and having received that admission and acceptance from the body politic that the world has not ended because we dared to protect some unborn human lives (with great cultural fall out as well) to cajole them to move to further protection from a base. Some pro-lifers will argue “you will never get further’ and a counter to that is that currently under our system you will never get the threshold necessary to protect all at once and failing is delay and further inculcation of abortion on demand for any reason. The groups that agitate for all at once criticizing those who help maneuver incremental protections as a step forward have not shown an ability to raise the resources or mass persuasive ability or movement to make this issue sufficiently salient at the levels necessary to insure protection for the right to life at all stages. I wish they could.
The saving grace in the weak light of the polls cited in this article is that clearly the issue was not all that salient as a sole criterion for most of the populace in 2024 in spite of the billion dollars to promote candidates who were for abortion on demand and lie about their opponents. Clearly the voting conclusion was that other issues were more important to them when the down-ticket races are included. However it is disconcerting to say the least that half the country voted for essentially pro-abortion Marxists who empower the state over individual rights.
I will admit to being worried of the result when the pro-life movement goes off half-cocked with charismatic leaders claiming the spirit moves them. It may move them but it has to move a lot more. There is a lot arrayed against us — lies, lethargy, political hurdles. The Spirit is required.
I wish we could edit remarks as some sites offer
Yes, especially when you write novels.
yep, I need an editor
The only 1 that counts is, It’s Against GOD & everything He stands for!!! Amen
Only God can change hearts, and only prayer can change America. I say this as someone who has been convicted of late, that I do not spend enough time in prayer, but may we all devote ourselves more diligently to prayer first, and then to work to end the curse that is abortion in America.
Right now, this minute, the United States is supporting Genocide in Gaza and you’re worried about what?
And without abortion the violent fatherless ignorant welfare thug population explosion would have burned down every city in America while bankrupting what’s left.
The murder of a child by his or her parent – is the ULTIMATE sin of selfishness.
There’s a positive side to everything, you just have to look for it. At least the majority of abortions means less democrat filth.