Around the Web – Original Source:
State and local Republican parties are calling for new investigations into the 2020 election as a lawsuit regarding election fraud in Pennsylvania moves forward.
Michigan GOP lawmakers and the Republican Party in Spokane County, Wash., are requesting investigations into concerns regarding the 2020 election, and a case in Delaware County, Pa., has been assigned a judge.
GOP lawmakers in the Michigan House of Representatives are urging the state’s attorney general, a Democrat, to investigate the Democratic secretary of state for possible election fraud and allegations highlighted in Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” ballot trafficking documentary.”We write to you today urging you to […]
Around the Web – Original Source:
All it’s going to take is one big win in court and the lawsuits will start flying all over the country. It’s getting harder and harder for the dimokrauts to keep their cheating hidden in the subbasement.