In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s comeback victory, some leftists encouraged disappointed Harris supporters to boycott their Trump-supporting relatives’ dinner tables over the holidays. Now, The Washington Post has another cheery suggestion: just don’t spend the holidays with anyone.
Under the headline, “They love their family. They just want to spend Christmas alone,” staff writer Sydney Page featured three people between the ages of 25 and 40 who are ditching the holiday gathering in favor of a self-care day.
In Page’s words, they are “celebrating and luxuriating in their holiday aloneness.”
Citing the annoyance of travel, the pressure of gifting, and the overall “stress” of interacting with other imperfect human beings, they chose instead to spoil themselves. One is taking herself on a trip to New York City. Another will buy herself flowers and do a puzzle. A 37-year-old man chose to spend last Christmas watching movies and taking himself out for “a fancy four-course dinner.”
Look, not everyone is able to spend Christmas with family, and if that’s you, I hope you can spend the day loving on and being loved by whatever people you do have around you. But that’s not the case here, as Page’s headline makes clear. These people all have families who gather for the holidays and would welcome their presence. Liz Ivy, 30, told the Post she conveyed to her family at Thanksgiving that she’d be spending Christmas solo, and “it almost ruined Thanksgiving.” […]
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