The story we’re about to share reveals a failed ten-year experiment by officials in San Francisco, who tried desperately to prove that whites and Asians aren’t better than anyone else when it comes to math. Needless to say, it failed miserably. The truth—one most people are afraid to say out loud—is that the left was, once again, covering for black students, who tend to score much lower in math (and other subjects). This isn’t “racist”; it’s just facts.
African Americans score lower than European Americans on vocabulary, reading, and math tests, as well as on tests that claim to measure scholastic aptitude and intelligence. The gap appears before children enter kindergarten and it persists into adulthood.
The fact that certain races have different average IQs is an “inconvenient truth” the left refuses to acknowledge. Truthfully, this doesn’t do black students any favors. We’re not all the same. Different races excel at different things, and that’s perfectly okay. Pretending the playing field is level for everyone is a disservice to those who may naturally need extra help with certain subjects. This failed “math experiment” in San Francisco proved it’s also a waste of time, money, and resources. In an effort to claim everyone is “brilliant” at math and how “racist-free” they were, officials forced strong math students to lag behind with those who struggled. In the end, everyone lost—another predictable, epic failure of this “magical,” pie-in-the-sky progressive thinking.
SF public schools forced all students to take algebra in 9th grade instead of 8th grade because some weren’t ready yet.
The entire motivation was magical thinking. The reformers thought that if they repeated the incantation “all students are mathematically brilliant” it would come true.
They believed that giving students access to math classes at the same time (no one can accelerate, even if they prove they’re ready) would eliminate unequal outcomes.
They thought it was “unfair” to give students access to classes based on previous performance in math — that special access to extra classes and tutors accounted for 100% of the difference in math ability observed in students.
They blamed “white supremacy” — despite Asians outperforming whites on standardized math tests in the district.
And their experiment? It failed. The groups they intended to help are not taking or passing advanced math at higher rates than before. Enough.
This notion that everybody is “brilliant” at math is quite literally, mathematically impossible. […]
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