The latest poll by McLaughlin & Associates, on behalf of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), confirms what other recent polls have revealed. Not only do Americans, in general, support the right to keep and bear arms, they also like politicians and judges who agree with them.
The McLaughlin Poll
Earlier this month, the polling firm asked 1,000 registered voters the following questions:
How important is it to you to get judges confirmed and nominated to the federal courts who make it a priority to try their best to strictly follow the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution?
More than three out of four of them said it was “important,” with 50 percent saying the issue was “very important” to them.
They asked:
How important is it to you that our political leaders in Washington DC protect and defend the 2nd Amendment rights in the U.S. Constitution of law-abiding gun owners?
Again, more than three-quarters of them agreed, with half saying it was “very important” to them. […]
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